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BMW Body Kits: Featured Conversions

by David @ PRO 19 Jun 2015

Updated: 8/24/2017 to reflect name change of Perpetual Racing Online to PRO Auto Motion

It's been a little over 2 years since the birth of Perpetual Racing Online, now PRO Auto Motion. With an initial desire the serve all the European luxury automobiles, we ultimately decided to first start with BMW body kits. Now, we're approaching the dreaded 3 year mark where most businesses sink or swim. We are happy to announce that we are floating very nicely above the surface and it is all thanks to our amazing customers. Since a sales-based company must have a strong clientele, we would like to take a moment to appreciate those who have supported us over the years.

As we grow, we will continue to expand our product line, but we want to make sure we can serve one segment successfully first, and do it well. It wasn't easy since BMW refreshes their cars almost every 3 years, and a more dramatic change every 6, so it took a little fit of finesse to keep up with all these changes. With the help of our manufacturer / supplier, we only provide the highest quality BMW body kits so that we can serve our customers with great satisfaction.

We've had a lot fun time during these past 2 years and have done quite a few conversions with our BMW body kits. Customers came from all over the USA with their needs and desires to give their vehicles a facelift. Since our primary focus is BMW's at the moment, the gallery below will feature exactly that. From the sporty F30 three series to the glamorous F10 five series, it has been an absolute joy to see the faces of our happy customers as their cars went through plastic surgery. We look forward to expanding our product line to more BMW models, and other luxury lines of vehicles as well.

I know you aren't here to hear me blab on and on, so without further ado, I present this short gallery of featured customer conversions:

[ux_gallery ids="1295,1294,1293,1285,1284,1283,1270,1269,1268,1259,1258,1131,1130,1129,1128,1127,1126,1125,1124,1118,1117,771,776,772,749,745" type="masonry" col_spacing="xsmall"]

Please visit our shop to find your new conversion. We're sure you'll fall in love with your call all over again.

[row] [col span__sm="12" align="center"] [button text="SHOP NOW" style="btn-danger" size="btn-md" link="/shop"] [/col] [/row]
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